You Get What You're Given

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Thu 16 Mar 2017 01:38
You get what you’re given. A friend of our family told me this six years ago just before she died. I haven’t forgotten it. Partly because of the timing of events; I wonder if she foresaw what was to come and partly because I remember her pain in our conversation. You get what you’re given. Fore sure, she’d been given a mixed hand. It was the fatalistic terms of her saying that struck me the most. I’m not religious. I don’t know ‘who’ it would be giving me anything. But it made me think. As humans, we like to blame ourselves for a lot of things. Which means we dwell on it, sit on it, roll in it. Sometimes consume it. 

In the last week or so, we’ve encountered situations that bring my friend’s saying back to hand. We’ve met a mother who’s lost her son to circumstances beyond her control. A family who lost their whole boat. Their lives intact, most important for sure, but their lives thrown into disarray. Do you fight for your adventure with what's left? Another family who are almost at the end of their own adventure and are trying to make the best of their last moments. And ours in between; wholly imperfect but trying to build on what we’ve got… with what we’ve been given... I guess it helps when I ask Delph to repeat the ’Thirty days have September..’ song and she comes out with ‘And all the rest I can’t remember.’ Thanks to Dumb and Dumber, at least Delphine will have one useful thing to take home.

Attached: some photos of the coolest Shakespearean cruising cats, Robyn and Gwen, taken during the last weeks with Quest’s crew. From tidying up Quest while I helped Fin do the laundry, joining InterHigh’s Spanish class, discovering boys in Nanny Cay’s pool and watching Jack stick Cheetos up his nose (?!)…  are we going to miss you… Hold on! You’re not going just yet… Yippee! xx

Love from Quest and her crew xx