Warner Bros Studios

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Wed 30 Nov 2016 05:46
The Hogwarts set. Two hundred people. Us four the last ones in the group before they closed the doors. 

‘Welcome!’ the tour guide boomed. 'First of all, I’d like to ask you all a few questions. Which house is Cho Chang in?’ Ravenclaw,’ Lulu answered. ‘When is Fred and George Weasleys’ birthday?’ ‘The 1st of April,’ Lulu said. Everyone’s attention was now on us. The tour guide smiled. ‘Ok, who played Hagrid?’ ‘Robbie Coltrane.’ ‘Well everyone, I think we have a fan.’ Lulu didn’t blink back. I looked out at the crowd. Had no one else read the books, watched the movies or listened to Stephen Fry’s audiobooks five times? Weirdos. 

The butterbeer was good. Like you’d think butterbeer would taste. The skill and craftsmanship put into everything was nuts. Just nuts. At the end, I bought a wedge of Trivial Pursuit questions in the gift shop. Back on the tube, I got the wedge out. I read from the first card, ‘How many years was Sirius Black in Azkabhan?’ ‘Twelve,’ Lulu said. ‘Whose house does Harry and Hermione visit in Godric’s Hollow?’ Delphine joined in, steely-eyed. ‘Batilda Bagshot’s.’ Delphine, take those f****** headphones off! I took a breath. ‘Which creature saved Harry from Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest?’ Now, my mum hasn’t read any of the books or watched the movies. She’d just spent one day at the studios with us. She smiled. ‘A centaur.’   

Love from Quest and her still land-based crew xx