A Gaggle of Rubber Rings

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Sat 6 Aug 2016 21:08
Hi Everyone, 

Jack and the girls went on a rubber ring adventure last week for William, from Yacht Higgins, 11th Birthday. A whole bunch of boat kids were there, including the mermaid bunch from MickBeth. They all went down a stretch of river in Grenada’s mountainous interior. ‘How was it?’ I asked when they got back. I got to stay home on Quest and ‘look' after Fin. I almost forgot that bit… ‘The best part was when the oldest girl from the American hippies caught this massive lizard,’ Jack said. ‘I have no idea how she could catch anything so big. She just came out of the bushes with it.’ ‘No way!’  Lulu cried, 'William put that lizard on my back! It totally freaked me out.’ ‘Did you have a nice time, Delphine?’ I asked. ‘Hold on, what’s wrong with your lips?’ I looked closer at their faint blue colour. ‘That’s nothing,’ Jack said, ‘you should have seen them earlier. They were really blue.’ ‘Everyone said I got hypothermia and put their hands on my forehead,’ Delphine said, sounding distinctly pleased. I stood back. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Delphine say the word hypothermia before. ‘Was the river water cold?’ I asked and both Lulu and Jack shrugged. ‘Not really.’ I examined Delphine as she escaped downstairs into the bowels of Quest and she rummaged around to find her Barbies. A few moments later, we heard familiar conversation rise up through Quest. ‘Shall we go on a bike ride, Ruby? Nah, I just want to go to the park. Shall we go to the park? Sure.’ ‘There she goes,’ Lulu said, rolling her eyes. ‘Do you want to go swimming, Lu?’ Jack said and she grinned at him, already on the swim platform. ‘Race you to the anchor, slowcoach.’ I sighed a little. The silence had been so loud. 

Love from Quest and her crew xx