38:56.88N 23:05.07E Orei

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Sun 30 Sep 2018 16:31

Wednesday 19th September, 2018.

Up early for breakfast and with the shopping done we were off by 9 a.m.  The  breeze was NE with the genny we were sailing across to Orei on Evia past the island of Skiathos.  We managed to sail all the way on the genny sometimes having to change from starboard to port regularly due to the change of wind direction.  It seem to take forever to get past the Pillion and into Orei but with white water all around us Jim did brilliantly well with only the GPS.

Orei is a very busy little harbour especially since the little boat yard in the bay has grown and many boats sit on the wall for a week or two before they are taken out of the water.  We had covered 30 miles and arrived by 3 p.m. There was no room so we anchored outside the harbour wall ready to pounce the next day once a space appeared.

Of course the space appeared in the morning but another boat on the quay opposite saw the space and beat us to it but we were lucky enough to squeeze into a better space further along.

We spent Thursday getting stores and in the afternoon swimming off the beach and sunning ourselves for a while.


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