37:06.27N 25:22.46E Naxos

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Sun 14 Jun 2015 14:31




12th June, 2015.


As the wind was predicted to blow into the bay in the next 24 hours we decided to move to Naxos to the safety of the harbour.


We had to motor all of the 19.64 miles as the wind was on the nose and we arrived with only two spaces available as no one wanted to move due to the windy forecast.


The sunset was lovely and lots of people climbed up to the Temple of Apollo for the sunset.  It is lovely to be back here and wander around the old town up to the old castle where the little shops and restaurants are at every turn.


Seajets has bought the old Condor which use to run from Weymouth to Guernsey which now calls at Naxos.  It arrives late morning and early evening on its journey.  The evening wash is terrible and all the b oats in the harbour jump up and down and there are complaints from all the boat owners about the damage being caused by this one boat.  You need to have your boarding ladder up, well fendered up on the stern and the engine on ready for the surge.  The harbour couple collecting the money come and hand out complaint forms so that all the complaints can be handed to the Port Police hoping that something can be done to either slow the boat down on arrival or perhaps thoughts on putting more rocks in the water near the wall to slow the rush of water. 

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