Dear Julia Gillard

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Fri 19 Aug 2011 03:58
Dear Prime Minister,
I am writing to express my disappointment at the welcoming committee sent for my arrival after crossing the pacific singlehanded. I realize I'm not a teenager, I'm not at all pretty, and I sailed less distance. There are, however, several big buts (sorry, didn't mean that). I'm old. I've got a bad knee, bad back, aches in various places and a generally grumpy disposition. Jessica is in the prime of her life. She didn't need to hobble around the deck like a stroke victim on LSD. No cries of pain when another sail change had to happen.
She's good looking which means that when the boat needs to be stocked with food there would have been countless offers to carry and pack things. This old bugger had to do it himself. And I'm no good at shopping so my grumpiness only increased. She had a cast of many helping her, providing computer support, preparing the vessel etc etc. Again this tired old codger had to do it himself.
Now I know you're going to say, but she did it not stop! Well, yes, everyone who has sailed solo knows that stopping and starting alone is the hard part. The sailing is the fun bit.
Okay I'm being a bit curmudgeonly and I do think that what young Miss Watson did was way greater than my humble achievement, but sending a lone kelpie to relieve himself on the dock lines and an old drunk to say g'day mate was a little low key, even for my humble expectations. Lift your game woman!
Stuart Cannon
Farr Gone

The reality of my arrival was that I met by several very enthusiastic customs gentlemen who went through all the processes, including sniffer dogs. I had to laugh at that one, there was dog hair all through the inside. Just what I needed. By 8pm all was done and I was free to roam the place. I fell in with three guys who were off to the local pub for a feed and thoroughly enjoyed their company. Then it was off to bed for a much needed sleep. The phone rang at one am then again at three and five. All calls from the US congratulating me which was very much appreciated but oh god I was tired. Been into Bundy and got phones and Internet happening so life is getting sorted. I'm booked to fly to Melbourne tomorrow and the boat will be alone for a couple of weeks. I hope it's ok without me.
Thank you a million times to all those who have sent messages etc and big thanks to my weathermen. Life saving stuff guys.
Very excited to be back in Oz. I hope this feeling can last for years. I feel terrific. Proud, happy and excited to be seeing the kids, it's my birthday tomorrow so I can force some presents out of them. Life doesn't get any better.
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