Fair Do's VII Report- 0900 19-11-08

Fair Do's VII, Atlantic 2008....
Professor John Shepherd
Wed 19 Nov 2008 08:48
Morning Chris,
Sorry its late I have been back up the mast today trying to solve a problem we have with the mast track coming off.
Our position:
LATTITUDE=                31 22.49 N
LONGITUDE=               13 45.07 W
Other info=                   Gybed a few times in the night just on small shifts, still on rhum line 213 miles away.
SPEED=                       7.2
Weather Observations:
WINDSPEED=              10.9
DIRECTION=                 019
TRENDS=                     Last few hours average windspeed has dropped to 11.5 and average TWD is 030. We saw 23kts in the night but nothing to much after that, trying to look after the mast more than anything else but good progress was made. Now motorsailing.
TIDE=                        -
SEASTATE=              Moderate
Straight line it from here, are we going to see any rain there is a bank of thick cloud looming from the West and now over us?
Best regards,