Still grinding to windward 43 30.2N: 34 21.5W

Mon 26 May 2014 13:32
The Weather! I know it always is key whatever type of sailing you do, but this trip so far has been dominated with strog head winds.  Apart from the very pleasant couple ofdays at the beginning when we had an easterly and bright sun I have had nothing but cold,greymisty weather with plenty o0f rain and strong headwinds as it is now. You can probably tell by the typing, I've given up trying to correct it
The main problem I'm having with these conditions is sleep.  The night beffore last I took the mainsail down at 10 pm and was up at 1 oclock  putting it up again finally getting a chance to lie down at 03.30.  Then last nigight in the small hours I progressively put  3 reefs in one after another as the wind rose steadily and then furled the jib.  Needless to say I was a bit jaded again this morning
Perhaps I'll have something good to write about when I get past Titanic, she's 700 miles away?
Are the other guys further south getting better wseather, let me know how they are fairing?