Ceilidh "The Return" Act Two 38:44.80N 40:44.85W

Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Fri 17 May 2013 19:48
So something we missed yesterday is that we found out who the McVitie’s Chocolate Digestive thief was – Sam J  It came to light in discussions when he was “sampling” chips while cooking the steaks yesterday evening.
So back to sailing, the wind has been a steady 10 – 12 knots today although if last night is repeated it will die of a little after dark.  As for sea state it is like being in the swimming pool not the Atlantic.  However the light wind does mean that while close hauled and still just managing to aim straight at the Azores our speed is down a little and it will be a day or two more before we can motor sail!  So only a 130 NM run today, we have 558 NM to the WP of Horta.
We did have some fun this morning when we had to bring all the sails down and re-seat one of the mast “wedges” at deck level.  Investigation of a new noise noticed in the early hours had resulted in us finding one out of place.   Our long running fight with the two bow nav lights appears to have been lost pending fitting some new wire in to both units, will have a go tomorrow.  Another set of checks of the generator has also drawn a blank on the lack of power to its control panel.
But it has been a great day for sun sights with a fix to 4.5 NM of GPS.
On the food front while “beige” food with Bacon, egg and cheese baps (home made) for breakfast and Macaroni Cheese for lunch has continued, this evening may see a change!
As for the book club the lack of “new” material may become serious tomorrow!