28:09N 15:25W

Ceilidh of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Mon 26 Nov 2012 11:03
We continued our preparations on board Ceilidh yesterday and found time to take a sail out of the marina to view the ARC invitation racing class starts.
This also allowed us to test our steering system in around 18knots of breeze with the full main set.
Everything functioned normally so this was a very worthwhile exercise.
It was also great to soak up the atmosphere building from the supporters and brass band as we motored out of the dock.
Well done to the ARC organisers for managing these events and continuing an exten ded social programme to cope with the delayed yachts remaining in Las Palm as.
We will have our genoa back on board today and apart from a few minor equipment and stores organising, we are ready to go to sea.
Here are a few photos from the start yesterday.
Dave Sturrock

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