Ascension Island to the Azores Day 2 - Flying fish penetrate our defenses

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Tue 21 Feb 2017 04:18

Position                    05:50.92 S 017:14.45 W

Date                          2359 (UTC) Monday 20 February 2017

Distance run             in 24hrs 134nm over the ground, 132nm through the water

Passage total            213nm over the ground, 208nm through the water

Distance to go          3,457nm

Planned distance      Ascension to the Azores west around the high 3,666nm


Another day of sailing downwind with a combination of tracking the rhumb line and sailing by the wind.  We had a flying fish attack overnight and two managed a hole in one through the galley porthole.  The generator has developed a fault indicating low oil pressure; this automatically closes the generator down.  It is more likely to be the actual pressure sensor.  While we carry a spare, on opening the box I found that the Onan agent in Marblehead. MA, had supplied the incorrect version.  Tomorrow I will carry out an oil and filter change and see if that cheers it up.  In the meantime, we rely on the main engine for battery charging.  It is 582nm to our waypoint on the equator.