Interlude in La Coruna

Tom Fenton and Faith Ressmeyer
Tue 3 Jul 2012 17:09
We shall not be moving from La Coruna for about a week. This is not on account of the beauty of the city, though it is a fine city, but because we have chosen to have our cutlass bearing fixed. Since the boat has a mixture of things imperial and things metric, and the propeller shaft is an old bronze one that has worn considerably, this requires work to the propeller shaft and the bearing. The full extent of the problem became apparent once we had been lifted out. Otherwise we might have waited until we leave the boat for our return home for August, but having started it is better to finish the job now. The good news is there is a beach 100 metres from the boatyard here. The bad news (or good depending on your point of view) is the wifi doesn´t work. So, time for suntan, reading, frisbee, and, if it is not too cold, swimming. T