A Week of Stuff

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 14 Jun 2014 22:57
A Week of Bits, Bobs and Stuff
Monday the 10th of June: We hunkered down, rain lashing and wind getting stronger. Beez wiggled gently in her cradle. Plastic windows doing quite well, not so poor Rob who was due today to put a trial window in to see if the seal stayed as it should. Apparently his car left the road and slid into a ditch in Russell. He managed to get out of the car but it kept slipping,pinning him to the ground by the door. His friend had to hold his head out of the water while they waited for help, the air ambulance was called and took Rob off to the A&E. He will be OK and we wish him a speedy recovery.
I lost five one at backgammon and took myself off in a real strop to catch up with blog writing.
Tuesday the 11th: Bear had the idea or rather a bee in his bonnet that we should go shopping. I’ve organised the Insurance shops car for an hour this afternoon. OoooooKay, best get my anorak at the ready. Off we went in the very kindly leant out jalopy. The front at Paihia looked very uninviting, not a tourist in sight and the heavy drizzle continues, thirty six hours after it began.
It had been raining all morning but by the time we had finished our shop the heavens were throwing it down.
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The view from the car was pretty grim and visibility out to sea was much worse.
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The little puddles under Beez had joined forces and were deep enough to cause ingress in my Crocs.
Shopping and us soaked. That was a great idea Bear.
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Wednesday the 11th: Nothing for it than eggs for breakfast. Still catching up as we had none in the UK. A rather fine egg event, so an aerial view was taken. Later on, I went to see what Bear was up as it was all too quiet. I found him sitting at his computer. As I stood behind him, he looked up, pointing at the lounge clock and said, its stopped. I said nothing but watched as the second hand ticked round very happily. Next he said, I know, I know, because my Mac says that it’s ten to two. Funnily enough our trusty lounge clock said exactly the same. I was officially confused and concerned. Hints of dementia or just a bit of lunacy. I asked him to look slowly at the clock, check out the seconds and while he was at it check the time. Oh I thought it said ten past ten. Oh dear. Oh dear, does this make me a little concerned at walking up the road with him, let alone doing the second half of the world...... Later, Windarra radioed. We all met the the yacht club for a few libations, met the lovely family who bought Tribe and several other yachties here for the winter. Jolly nice evening indeed.
Thursday the 12th: Sitting eating my Choco Pop - Rice Krispy mix this morning accompanied by a rather eerie metal scraping noise and a bit of a Beez wiggle. The lad directing the crane man into the slot next to us had under judged and gently hit our support cradle. All he could say was, “bet that made you jump”, caused a tsunami in my breakfast bowl put it that way. Not the way I like to start a day. 
I’ve done it. Oh dear, what now. Bear is pleased with himself, he has sent the paperwork off, via email, to Air New Zealand, still mourning the loss of his slipper and Crocs. Finally the rain stopped and the sun came out,  albeit, very cautiously.
We went to bingo tonight at the Yacht Club. As we walked through the door Marie had posed two dabbers on a table, we had mentioned our dabbers in Deltaville, the last time we played. Grimme was the caller. Two games per sheet for a pound, the biggest numbers we have ever seen, I went mad with my new dabber, I think the red ink will still be wet in the morning, went through the sheet on to the table, newspaper mat helped. Between us we won seven lines or seven drinks. Every game I needed one for the house, the final game we both needed 35, that would have been funny, we would have had to share a bottle of wine. Grimme announced that he had places to go out on his boat Spellbound on Sunday for a fishing competition. We have never been able to justify the cost of going sport fishing, Sunday, we have to take some pilchards as bait and pay fifteen pounds. Bring on seven am. The one thing I think men and women can compete at together, of course we use our pheromones – I have always feared your moans. Steady, let’s leave it at that and see on Sunday...........Indeed.
Friday the 13th: Very cold and dark today after the hour or so of sunshine. NCIS Los Angeles, season three it is then with a couple of libations after I beat you hollow at backgammon. I would shift your eyes away from mine, while you can still see. O oooooo. Indeed Sir, Indeed.
Saturday the 14th: An egg event to end the week, below. Bear got to his chain plates. Chain plates are the things that hold the wires that support the mast, they are connected to the hull through the deck in the lounge and bedroom ceilings. Although they are half inch thick, stainless steel plates, they are under enormous strain and move a little. I release each one in turn, gulping as I do and much sweating behind the knee caps, scrape out the old sealant and replace. Two out of six completed.
                     I KNOW BUT I STILL LOVE YOU
                     WATCH PEPE ERUPT......
                     RUN BEAR, RUN