Parties and celebrations done - time for home

Chris & Katie Russell
Mon 18 Dec 2017 15:51
14:04.64N 60:56.88W
So the parties are over - the fleet is starting to dwindle as it moves on to the next port or the crews start to return home to cold Europe or Americas. Some are here for Christmas - some 40 odd boats are going on to World ARC - they leave here on 6 January for their next leg towards the Panama Canal. Personally I am not too unhappy that I will not be joining them
We won a prize for the closest finish - 6 seconds - so joined 80 odd other boats on stage who were awarded prizes at the ARC closing ceremony
We had the first parting of the Associate crew yesterday (Sunday) with Jane, Will and David departing for Gatwick. We have enjoyed an amazing 5 weeks together with not one cross word exchanged. We will always be good friends remembering a shared adventure and experience forever - "did you know that we have sailed the Atlantic Ocean?"
Associate herself has enjoyed a thorough clean - decks scrubbed and oiled, hull cleaned and polished and interior painstakingly scrubbed and cleaned and she is ready for her next adventure beginning on the 6 January when Charlie and Sally and Hugo arrive to take her over - and then Katie and I arrive on 15th for our Caribbean 3 month adventure
Approaching the ARC finish just after dawn
Crossing the ARC finish line
Until then the blog will be dormant. Thank you to all those that have sent messages and letting us know that you have been reading it
