31th December

Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Mon 31 Dec 2012 22:14
37' 01.9 N
009' 56.9 W
Last night we had Anthony's bean stew for tea. it was very filling!
We are getting that little bit closer to Maderia now. Passed Lisbon and had to cross a shipping lane. I was informed there shouldnt be a problem, they have checked and there doesnt seen to be a boat in site. Well they were wrong.As soon as i come onto my watch at midnight i have 5 seperate lights in front of me, all heading in different directions. Had to do a bit of manoeuvring to stay clear but all well in the end.Kept me busy on my watch. Safely crossed the channel!
I made us pizza bread for lunch, which was nice. Nearly lost one down the back of the oven but i safety recovered it ha!
Now just motor sailing along. 1 reef in the main. Still heading south down the coast, Following the wind around to eventually head straight to madeira.
Warrens turn to cook tonight. He has had every meal easy so far with a ready made lasagne or cottage pie. Now he has to attempt to actually cook. I think its bacon and pea risotto on the menu this evening!
427nm left to Maderia
2.40pm- 1000nm done
Happy New Year!!!