Stairway to the cockpit....

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Fri 16 May 2014 16:00
N20:44:865 W54:34:112
It's a constant surprise how many ways, in a bumpy sea, you can try and get up and down 4 steps between the cockpit and the saloon without doing too much harm, other than the odd bruise, and while carrying cups of tea - sometimes most of it makes to the intemnded recipient, but all to oftern in these seas it doesn't. And indeed how many parts of the body are used to brace yourself. This is particularly noticeable at the moment as we are beating in to a choppy sea in a ENE-NNE breeze - not our best point of sailing it must be said, so bouncing around and crashing into a few waves. This makes a racket below - sounds like bricks being thrown at the hull - and causes a good deal of water to cascade down the decks, and is a fairly slow point of sailing for us.
On the shipping front we have only seen one every large container ship heading towards Europe. We were briefly visited by a small pod of dolphins which always brings a smile. Not much other wildlife at the moment -even the flying fish are scarce. After some heavy rain earlier, the sun is now shining as we make our way slowly northwards, nearly up the rumb line, but that pesky wind isn't really playing ball at the moment.
We forgot to mention it the other day; when the technician came to look at the alternator and he saw the orange around the place, he felt honour bound and pleased to show us the top of his underwear, which was a bright shade of orange! Its spreading you know.
More in due course....
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda