A Bahama Day at Rum Cay

Valt & Sandy
Mon 25 Mar 2013 12:47
March 24, 2013
After a few "boat chores" we piled the dink with snorkeling gear, including pole spear, snacks, sunblock and more and headed out to explore. The plan was to go up the east side of the island and snorkel one of the reefs. The waves were nearly 2' as we rounded the point. Of course the coral was thick and rose high in the water and we had to weave our way through. We found a nice beach and dropped the bow anchor some 100' offshore. Then we took a line and our 2' metal stake ashore to secure the stern. Wading through waist deep water, over rocks, we made our way to the beach. It was too rough to snorkel so we opted to beach comb instead. We found only minor treasures. No sea beans, no sea glass. Small shells. Hearing voices, we turned to see see three ladies walking towards us, shell buckets in hand. Our isolated beach was not as isolated as it seemed. We never did figure out where they came from.
Back aboard Amber Isle we emptied the dink and stowed the stuff, setting wet things in the sun first to dry. We washed the tender and hoisted it into its cradle. We fetched the fishing rods and tackle. Then we turned our attentions to dinner. With Janie back In Florida we invited Jim to dinner. At first he declined. Seems he heard of a "hat party" in the village and wanted to go to it. But the event was a Lenten Tea and Easter Bonnet Event for the local women. He decided to take us up on our offer after all. We prepared BBQ chicken and sweet potatoes with fresh salad. It was a farewell dinner, we would leave Rum Cay in the morning. Who knows if we'd even run into the Pirate again this season? Below is a photo of Jim and Janie's parrot, a macaw. He couldn't be a pirate without one.

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