Blog 18. 24 March. En Route to Motueka

David Batten
Tue 15 May 2018 03:34
With improving weather, another lovely drive through NZ countryside and a lunch stop at the camping ground at Lyell, the site of an old mining town, with just a cemetery and a roadside camp and rest stop to mark it’s existence.

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On the reload to Lyell, another lovely piece of country

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Looking for the cemetery on a path with landslip warnings....

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.... and showing just how destructive the land slips can be, but it was a lovely walk through the forests on the old Ghost and then old coach road, with river crossings and no one else to disturb the peace.

From Lyell to Buller Gorge, a tourist must stop and actually another great place to stop and walk around, learn more history and enjoy nature.

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David standing on a rock in the middle of the Gorge, which is covered with water when the rains come

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The height reached by the water from the river water in wet years. Note it is raining again.

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The bridge across the Gorge, which is so deep, you can’t really see the water until you are on the edge of it.

After that, a search for another campsite suitable for wet conditions!

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